Nogaro Classic Festival
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Author:  Tripyrenees [ September 30th, 2014, 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Nogaro Classic Festival

This is looking very serious.

Just received the pack for the Nogaro Classic Festival next weekend. The little AZU is going and we WILL be going around the track with all the other classics. Just hope they can go slow :lol:

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Author:  Tripyrenees [ October 13th, 2014, 5:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nogaro Classic Festival

I visited the Classic Festival at Nogaro race circuit this weekend. It was a great weekend and I had my Citroen 2CV AZU and my Renault 4L (Renault towed the Citroen) there. There was a rally on the saturday afternoon mixing it up with the Porches and Ferraris out on the small roads of the Gers. I even managed to overtake a V8 Chevvy as its big American bulk could not handle the tight corners of the hairpins - great fun :D :D

Plus - I had my FIRST EVER drive of a Traction and it was the same year and model as the mine. M Didier Souslikoff from Atelier des Vielles Bielles was there with his Traction Sans Frontiers and my darling wife was cheeky enough to ask him if I could have a drive. He was more pleased than I was.

It was so smooth and nothing like I expected but then I have been driving 2CVs and our 4L for the past few years. I loved it and look forward to when mine will be finished.

He had done some of the modifications that I plan to do also, like the Alternator, Electric fan and if I had known he had also put on 175/16 tires on his standard rims...... :o

Here I am having a go plus the only other Traction at the Festival in which there were well over 600 vehicles. I like the DS next to it too, hard to believe that was the follow on model from the Traction, no slight differences back then, just fall on change :D
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Author:  MikeH [ April 13th, 2016, 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nogaro Classic Festival

Are you going to be at the Nogaro Classic this year? I am planning to attend.

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